
ハードウィックはイギリス北西部の湖水地方原産のヒツジで、気温が低く雨の多い気候に適応している。12世紀末にはすでにこの種についての記録があり、これまで湖水地方の景観を形作る重要な役割を果たしてきた。子羊は生まれたときは黒いが、1年後には濃い茶色になり、やがて灰色になる。頭と足は白い。オスにはらせん状の角があり、体重は75-90 kg。メスには角はなく、体重は60-65 kg。

Hebridean sheep

The Hebridean is a breed of small black sheep from Scotland. Thy often have two pairs of horns. Their rather coarse wool is black and fades to brown in the sun and becomes grey with age. If not shorn, the wool will moult naturally in spring. – They are considerably smaller than most other breeds of sheep, fully grown ewes weighing only around 40 kg, and rams slightly heavier, 50-60 kg.

Hebrideans are hardy and able to survive on rough grazing. Therefore they are often used as conservation grazing animals to maintain natural grassland or heathland habitats.

The last known native Hebridean sheep were taken in the 1880ies from the island of Uist to northern England. These sheep were distributed as ornamental animals to various estates in England and Scotland, generally being called “St Kilda” sheep.